Standing Committees

Make your voice count--Join a committee!

Make your voice count--Join a committee!
Four of these five committees are established in the by-laws of the Association; these committees meet all year long.
Advocacy: Responsible for identifying, communicating, and coordinating issues of importance to the neighborhood, key strategies for neighborhood planning, and challenges and needs of the community. This committee is the primary interface with government agencies, special interest groups, neighborhood planners and the Association membership.
Development & Private Infrastructure: Responsible for interface with developers of new construction projects. Responsible for architectural and engineering review of all new developments to ensure compliance with community standards, good neighbor policies, historical sensitivity, and appropriate land use. This committee works in coordination with the Potrero Boosters Development Committee.
Membership: Responsible for recruitment, engagement and retention of members, connectivity within the community, and building new relationships with neighborhood organizations. Plans and coordinates major events such as membership drives, social events and fundraising events, often through management of ad hoc committees; identification of needed board member skills and recruiting and developing future board members; fundraising.
Transportation & Livable Streets: Responsible for coordinating transportation issues between the City and the community through three subcommittees: Livable Streets (shared streets, bicycle infrastructure, traffic calming); Parking; and SFMTA/Public Transportation. This committee works in coordination with the Potrero Boosters Transportation Committee.
Budget and Finance: Responsible for ensuring adequate financial controls and accurate tracking and accountability of Association funds; planning and supporting an independent annual audit of financial records; maintaining an accurate role of members; managing the Community Advisory Board for placement of donated funds.
Ad Hoc Committees: These committees, called “special committees” in the by-laws are generally established to coordinate and accomplish short-term, specific projects. They are “established and their chairs appointed by the president and the Executive Board”. Examples:
Slow Streets/Shared Streets
Flower Mart Development
Homeless Issues