Target Start Date: March 2023
Application Deadline: February 9, 2023 (Applications reviewed on a rolling basis until position is filled)
Position Description
Friends of Dogpatch Hub (FoDH), a nonprofit public charity, is committed to developing the Dogpatch Hub, the first ever community-serving, publicly accessible neighborhood facility in Dogpatch. The Friends of the Dogpatch Hub board member position is a part-time, unpaid volunteer role. Board members serve five year terms.
Our Mission: The Dogpatch Hub provides a much needed communal space for Dogpatch neighbors with no barriers to entry. A place without any particular creed, that embraces all our cultures. Some space to meet, to talk, to sing, to be quiet, to debate, to laugh, to perform, to get to know one another, to listen. The Hub is a “third place” -- it will be built with the intention to foster community engagement, civic encounters and connection. The Hub will offer educational and informative programming and services for all segments of our population. To learn more visit: https://www.dogpatchhub.org/
About the board roles: We are seeking to recruit several board members, and expect that different candidates will bring different skills and experiences to the board.
The ideal board member candidate:
Is dedicated to creating a creative and inclusive space for Dogpatch residents and members of surrounding communities to gather and interact.
Has the ability to bring resources to FoDH in ways that best align to the prospective board members’ skills and personal contacts
Has professional experience in one or more of the following areas: organizational development, legal background, finance or accounting, communications, marketing, education, program development, project management, human resources, strategic planning, fundraising, grant-writing, non-profit leadership, other board experience.
Can meet a time commitment of up to 6 hours per month, including Board Meetings (12-24 per year) or Committee meetings.
Actively participate in the work of at least one board committee or board task force and attend at least 75 percent of its meetings.
Additionally, participate in community engagement to educate, and receive feedback from, community members about the mission of the Hub.
Will review board packages prior to board meetings and be prepared to offer insight into matters of which the prospective board member has specialized knowledge or experience.
Lives or works in Dogpatch or the surrounding neighborhoods of Bayview, Mission Bay and Potrero Hill.
Application Procedure
If you are interested in serving on the board, please send an email with the following information to Elizabeth Mullen at lizard.mullen@gmail.com by February 9, 2023:
letter outlining your interest in serving on the board and the skills that you will bring to the board
The FoDH places a high priority on promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging for its volunteer leadership and for the community it serves. Therefore, we strongly encourage all qualified individuals to apply—especially people of color, women, people from low-income backgrounds, people with disabilities, and people who identify as LGBTQIA+.
Please consider applying if you have the experience, time, and commitment to our mission. Selected nominees are interviewed by at least one board member. Applications will be evaluated as they are received, and the deadline for applying is 5:00 pm, February 9, 2023.
Inquiries may be directed to any of the following current board members:
Katherine Doumani, kdoumani@gmail.com (Board President)
Colin Ensley, ce@associatecapital.com (Board Treasurer)
J.R. Eppler, jreppler1@gmail.com (Board Secretary)
Bruce Huie, brucehuie@me.com
Liz Mullen, lizard.mullen@gmail.com