Update from Bruce Agid, member of the Mission Bay Elementary School Community Steering Committee:
It appears the final push is in progress to gain approvals from the Board of Education for the Mission Bay Elementary School. It is important for us to organize and attend these meetings, especially the meetings on May 23rd and the Board of Education Meeting in June to ensure the Commissioners know there is a large amount of community support.
It would be best for families to join and say a few words on why this school is so desperately needed.
Here is the presentation shared with the Mission Bay CAC on May 12, 2022. https://sfocii.org/sites/default/files/Agenda%20Item%202%C2%A0-%C2%A0Mission%20Bay%20School%20%28Block%2014%29%20Design%20and%20Schedule%20Update.pdf
Final critical meeting dates and advocacy actions:
Presentation to the Board of Education Building and Grounds Committee on Monday, May 23rd (meeting starts at 5:00pm-we are currently inquiring if this is a hybrid meeting where you can call in and do public comment or if you have to join in person).
Presentation to OCII on 6/7 The meeting begins at 1 p.m. To date, all of these have been virtual; I will confirm the format of this one.
Tentatively at the full Board of Education on Tuesday, June 14th. 5PM in person at the Board of Ed chambers 555 Franklin. Public comment will be taken on this item. The agenda will be posted in Board Docs at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Please share our mission bay school petition to your extended networks. Here is the link http://change.org/missionbayschool Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much! Bruce Agid bruce.h.agid@gmail.com