Livable Streets Committee
The Livable Streets Committee is a joint Committee of DNA and the Potrero Boosters that focuses on creating safe streets throughout both neighborhoods.
The Committee serves as a forum to advocate for Safe Streets including Slow Streets, Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure and Traffic Calming. We work to identify issues that are important to residents of Dogpatch and Potrero Hill and to help give agency to those voices with the City.
Current Projects
Slow Streets
Slow Streets are streets that are open for walking, running, wheeling, biking and playing. Cars may only travel the street for under one block and only to reach a destination on that block.
As part of SFMTA’s response to the COVID crisis and the need for San Franciscan’s to have access to safe & healthy outdoor recreation, the SFMTA rolled out the Slow Street Program in mid 2020. The Livable Streets Committee worked with SFMTA and the community to designate the blocks of Minnesota between Mariposa and 22nd as a Slow Street.
The neighborhood has enjoyed Slow Street events such as the Halloween Walk and the new Dogpatch Planet Walk art feature. The slow street also provides an important connection to the protected bike lanes on 4th and 16th Streets. Residents of all ages and abilities are now enjoying this Slow Street.
We love the Minnesota Slow Street. Help make it permanent by completing this brief survey.
If you have questions or would like to get more involved please contact the Dogpatch Neighborhood Association and Potrero Boosters Livable Streets sub-committee
Connected and Protected Bicycle Corridors

San Francisco's City government has adopted a carbon emission reduction plan as well as Vision Zero, committing to build better and safer streets, educate the public on traffic safety, enforce traffic laws, and adopt policy changes that save lives.
To support both of these efforts we are working to create a network of connected and protected bicycle infrastructure throughout D10, to make streets safer to allow all potential cyclists to feel safe riding throughout D10.
We are focusing our efforts on 17th St. from Terry Francois to the Potrero Ave. (and beyond) as the East / West Corridor and on a North / South route running through Dogpatch.
If you have questions or would like to get more involved please contact the Dogpatch Neighborhood Association and Potrero Boosters Livable Streets sub-committee